Dr. Wayne S H Leong, DDS, Hilo Dentist

Background and Credentials
Dr. Leong maintains the highest levels of accreditation and pursues ongoing education to stay abreast of the latest trends in dentistry.
Wayne S. H. Leong, DDS
BS: University of Notre Dame 1984
DDS: Indiana University School of Dentistry 1988
GPR: David Grant Medical Center, Travis AFB CA 1989
Dental Officer: USAF
- Kunsan AB, ROK 1989-1990
- Hickam AFB, HI 1990-1993
- AF Reserve 1993-1996
- Honorable Discharge 1996
General Dentist: Hawaii Family Dental Centers Hilo, HI office 1995-2001
Private Dental Practice Hilo HI 2001-Present
Hawaii County Dental Society Member 1995-Present
- Treasurer: 1998-2001
- President: 2003-2008
Hawaii Dental Association
- Board of Trustees
Member: American Dental Association
- Academy of General Dentistry
- Hawaii Terry Tanaka Study Group