Meet Gary and Gillian Warner

Meet Dr Gillian Bio
Dr Gillian Robinson-Warner is an island girl at heart with her roots in Jamaica and Guyana, South America. Her passion for Dentistry was fostered at a young age while working in her fathers Dental practice when the family migrated to the United States. She grew up in the Midwest. Dayton and Cleveland Ohio.
She graduated from Howard University’s College of Dentistry and moved back to Cleveland to practice with her new Husband Dr Gary Warner and her father. She has two wonderful children, Taylor and Evan. After years of enduring the cold and long winters, she decided to move the family back to the Washington DC area in 2007.
Dr Warner has a private practice with her husband in Washington DC. She decided to give some of her time during her off days to her Alma mater and this ignited another passion of her’s….teaching!! She is a full time Professor in the Restorative Department at the college of Dentistry, devoting most of her time to developing students who will be excellent Dental clinicians and Stewards of this profession!