Psychiatrist in Brooksville

At Solace Behavioral Health, care begins with a comprehensive psychiatric evaluation to assess the patient’s condition. The goal of the evaluation is to conduct a thorough assessment of symptoms and behaviors as well as any cooccurring conditions. As part of the assessment, patients may be asked to complete questionnaires and family members may be asked to participate in the process.
The basis of our treatment is to first and foremost get an accurate diagnosis. Many people coming from other providers have a multitude of diagnoses that are often based on just a collection of symptoms. Here at Solace, our Brooksville Psychiatrist start with the etiology of the diagnosis meaning we trace the symptoms back to how they emerged. Many symptoms look alike and can be placed in many ‘diagnostic buckets’ but it is only with our expertise that we look at any symptom as a part of the etiology. Once we have a clear diagnosis, we target them individually, so that the underlying problem starts to stabilize. We don’t get into bad prescribing habits of ‘chasing symptoms’ because those as we know can change as quickly as the wind.
Information gathered from the evaluation will be used to determine treatment options and, if necessary, coordinate other services which can include medication management, individual or group counseling and the variety of other modalities our company offers. Our experienced medical staff is comprised of compassionate professionals who will work with you to come up with an individualized treatment plan.
The results speak for themselves and this is truly what separates Solace from many psychiatric practices. We routinely hear things like ‘I’ve been going for 20 years and I have never been told that’ or ‘I’m taking so much less medicine and feeling so much better, how is that possible?’
If you feel like you could be one of those people, come on in and let’s talk and maybe even start a journey to a deeper and sustained recovery.