Detox in Brooksville

Detox is a very complex medical problem. It can range from life threatening to very mild and easily managed. It can be mild withdrawals to full on DT’s (Dilirium Tremens) requiring ICU hospitalization. You will need a comprehensive assessment as to where on this spectrum you are with your needs; please do not attempt to ‘cold turkey’ off of a substance without an assessment and medical supervision. Unsupervised detox can result in serious medical injury, irreversible complications and in cases, death.
Solace does offer MAT (medication assisted treatment) such as Suboxone. We do not provide Methadone treatment.
We do offer consultation for detox on practically all substances of abuse eg. Opiates (Oxycodone, Percocet, Fentanyl, Methadone, Roxycodone, others), Alcohol, Benzodiazepines, THC, Stimulants and other agents.
Each case is different so book a consultation with one of our offices to see how we can better assist you.