Addiction Treatment in Brooksville

There are few things more tragic or illnesses which wreck more havoc on peoples lives than addiction. We are all in some way affected by addiction whether it is a loved one or ourselves. If you think you are immune, think again as there are a lot of addictions that are socially acceptable like addiction to our egos, self righteousness, vanity, or greed just to name a few. When we do talk about addiction, it is usually the addiction to chemicals such as heroin, cocaine, alcohol, pain killers, prescription drugs or a vast variety of recreational drugs that ‘addiction’ refers to.
Solace Addiction Treatment Center in Brooksville FL has been providing addiction/substance abuse treatment since 2012. The way addiction is treated is as follows:
Step 1: Detox:
Part of the addiction experience is the withdrawal process that accompanies it when the drug is no longer used or available to the user. The body goes through a physical reaction that usually varies from extremely uncomfortable to possible death. Medical intervention is necessary to prevent the withdrawal reaction. For severe addiction, hospitalization is most often recommended. For milder cases, this can be done as an outpatient. This is know as the ‘detox’.
Our Addiction Treatment in Brooksville FL offers both outpatient and inpatient options for your detox needs depending on the situation. You may even be able to work as you are detoxed from a variety of drugs. We have partnerships with other facilities in the area depending on your needs and resources. The facilities we refer to can be found under ‘Resources’ and ‘Community Resources’ on this website.
Step 2: Relapse prevention:
There are many ways in which to support the client from relapsing. All the methods in some way rely on counseling or therapy to maintain sobriety such as:
- Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) with medications such as Suboxone (Buprenorphine), Vivitrol, Campral
- Intensive Outpatient treatment (IOP)
- Group therapy
- Individual therapy
- Peer support groups (ΑA, NA etc)
Book a consultation to see how Solace Addiction Treatment Brooksville FL can best meet your individual needs.