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Schedule an AppointmentJust as the rest of the face undergoes changes with time, the lips are also affected. The most obvious change is a loss of volume and elongation of the upper lip. While the lips can sometimes be augmented with dermal fillers, some patients may benefit from a lip lift instead.
Dr. Maria, is in a unique position to provide expert lip lift surgery. She is a Board Certified Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon, and is Fellowship trained in Facial Cosmetic Surgery.
A longer upper lip often results from loss of the elasticity of the skin, causing the upper lip to droop and also to “roll in” and appear thin or non-existent. While dermal fillers can help create volume, they are limited in being able to “untuck” the upper lip and can cause it to become heavier and appear unnatural. A subnasal lip lift is a more rewarding treatment, especially in the aging lip.
For a subnasal lip lift, the upper lift is measured to determine the amount of “lift” needed to create a youthful appearance. A small incision is made under the nose, hidden in the crease under the nostrils, and using the measurements that were made, the upper lip is shortened. This achieves a few things: a shorter upper lip, a fuller lip with increased show of the vermilion, enhancement of the Cupid’s bow, and more exposure of the teeth when smiling. All of these are factors associated with a youthful and fuller lip.
After surgery, swelling and tightness is expected and will begin to resolve after 1-2 weeks. Stitches are usually removed after one week. Dr. Maria will see you personally for follow-up appointments to evaluate your progress throughout the healing process.
As a Board Certified Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon and Fellowship trained in Facial Cosmetic Surgeon, Dr. Maria is in a unique position to provide you with a result that takes into account not only your skin, but your tooth position as well. If necessary, she will coordinate your treatment with your dentist to give you the smile you deserve.
Contact our office today at 847-677-6647 or schedule your appointment. We're happy to answer any questions, inquiries, or concerns you may have about Lip Lift.
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