Initial Exam in Bel Air

In order to begin treatment, it is essential to do a thorough, complete and extensive examination. We will review the patient’s medical history to determine if there are any factors that may influence the development of periodontal disease or limit the scope of treatment. Additional x-rays may be taken as a further diagnostic tool. An oral cancer screening will also be performed during your initial visit to our office.
A periodontal charting of the entire dentition with measurement and recording of several key parameters for each tooth will be completed. We will then be able to assess the degree and severity of the periodontal disease present. A comprehensive periodontal evaluation typically includes gently measuring the depth of the pocket between the tooth and gum with a periodontal probe. One measurement is recorded for each of six zones on each and every accessible tooth. Any gum recession or tooth mobility will also be charted and evaluated at this stage.
For those patients interested in dental implants, we may suggest that a 3 dimensional CBCT dental scan be taken. This will allow us to asses the thickness and height of the jaw bone to evaluate the proper placement of the dental implant.
An accurate diagnosis is the foundation upon which all of your treatment recommendations are made. Whether the patient is seeing us for a full mouth rehabilitation or a single tooth procedure, the correct diagnosis is the key to any and all treatment planing.