Dr. Syed Hyder, Modesto Dentist

Dr. Syed Hyder has been practicing dentistry for the last 25 years (including the time in his home country) in 1999. He finished his education in his native country and practiced as General Dentist for 13 years. Since 2016, he has been practicing Dentistry in central California.
Dr. Syed Hyder likes perfection, and that is what keeps him committed to serve the best quality work. He believes there is always room for improvements, so he is always eager to learn and adapt with modern scientific developments. He's successfully maintaining his commitment to dentistry by attending various Continuing Education and, enrolling in programs and courses.
Ever since he started his practicing career, he has been working as a General Dentist Specially working on kids. He has been working as a Managing Dentist in a very highly rated and popular office in Stockton, named Western Dental Kids Stockton for the last 3 years.