Dr. Kalai, Huntington Park Dentist

Background and Credentials
Dr. Kalai has 35 years of successful experience with in all aspects of general dentistry, from diagnosis and treatment planning, to performing complicated dental treatments.
Dr. Kalai has long history of positions as dental school assistant professor and managing dental offices abroad and in California.
Dr. Kalai’s is experienced and has expertise in performing dental procedures such as : gum treatment, root canal therapy, surgical extractions, restorative & cosmetic dental treatment as white filling, crown & bridge, partial and full dentures.
Dr. Kalai is known as very soft hand and gentle dentist.
Dr. Kalai believes that while a dentist restores physical damages, he should and must concentrate and pay attention to a patent’s financial condition, nerves and fear of dental work.
Dr. Kalai’s patients are treated with special care & attention, helping them to reach their goals and complete their treatment without stress & fear.
Dr. Kalai participates in contining education programs to stay updated with new inventions and innovations in the dental field.
Dr. Kalai uses a combination of dental science, creativity, caring and spirituality to treat both the body and the soul, for most successful outcomes.
Dr. Kalai is married, with three children. His oldest son is attending NYU Dental School.